Hollywood Bugle

13 Facts You Didn’t Know About “Raiders of the Lost Ark”

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Indiana Jones is one of the most popular action-adventure films, but did you know these 15 facts about Indy’s debut film, “Raiders of the Lost Ark”?

George Lucas and Steven Spielberg collaborated to create the iconic “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” drawing inspiration from thrilling serials that captivated early 20th-century audiences. This cinematic masterpiece seamlessly combines heart-pounding action with exhilarating adventure, solidifying its status as a defining film of the 1980s.

Various efforts have attempted to replicate the distinctive style of the film, but none have achieved success. The debut installment of the Indiana Jones franchise, after four decades, still stands unparalleled, asserting its position as one of the greatest action films ever created. The fact that content is still being made for the franchise, including a new video game voiced by Troy Baker, proves its popularity.

Devoted fans have thoroughly dissected and analyzed “Raiders of the Lost Ark” since its release. You’ve probably heard about the clever hidden R2-D2 Easter egg. Since its release, ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ has been thoroughly dissected and analyzed by devoted fans. The cleverly hidden R2-D2 Easter egg is likely something you’ve heard about. Despite the widespread knowledge that Harrison Ford eventually assumed the iconic role, it wasn’t initially offered to him. However, there are numerous lesser-known facts, abandoned storylines, and intriguing character changes that have largely remained hidden from the spotlight.

Why does Indy’s hat hold such significance? Who served as the inspiration behind the charismatic protagonist? And how drastically different could this cinematic masterpiece have been? Grab your hat and the nearest mystical artifact as we dive into the untold stories behind “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark”.

1. The Real Reason Indiana Jones Was Made

Raiders of the Lost Ark

In May 1977, George Lucas unleashed a little film called Star Wars upon the world. Surprisingly, Lucas himself had little faith in the success of his creation. In fact, he held such a strong belief in its inevitable failure that he persuaded his good friend, Steven Spielberg, to join him on a vacation to Hawaii. He hoped that the time away would inspire them to brainstorm a new project together.

“During their getaway, Lucas shared that he was crafting an adventure story inspired by 1940s swashbuckling serials. This sparked an idea in Spielberg’s mind. He admired James Bond, created by Ian Fleming, but faced rejection for a Bond film. Seeing Lucas’ project as a chance to create a cooler character than Bond, Spielberg seized the opportunity to bring his vision to life.

Just four years later, they released their collaborative masterpiece, ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark,’ which quickly became one of the most cherished film series ever. Sean Connery, renowned for his portrayal of Bond, took on the role of Indiana Jones’s father in ‘The Last Crusade.’ This might have been a deliberate choice by Spielberg out of spite.

Indiana Jones was a character born out of Spielberg’s determination and Lucas’s Star Wars scepticism.

2. Raiders Could Have Turned Out Very Differently

It’s no secret that Tom Selleck was almost cast as Indiana Jones. Fans may find it hard to picture this casting, as Harrison Ford is synonymous with the hat-wearing, whip-wielding archaeologist. How would the entire franchise have turned out with a different lead? What impact would his take on the infamous character have had on Indy’s character development?

However, that was just the tip of the iceberg. The creative minds behind the film – Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Lawrence Kasdan –  had countless ideas brewing when they first sat down to discuss the story that would eventually become Raiders of the Lost Ark. They dedicated hours upon hours, spanning over five sessions, to brainstorm characters, plotlines, and thrilling action sequences.

During these brainstorming sessions, Spielberg even toyed with the idea of turning Indy into a martial artist, defeating his enemies with kung fu moves. And we shouldn’t overlook George Lucas promptly dismissing the peculiar suggestion of having Indy knock over a llama.

The meticulous documentation of the entire conversation led to the creation of a 125-page transcript, which is now available online. Numerous unused ideas from this documentation were repurposed for “The Temple of Doom,” including the thrilling mine cart chase, Indy’s snowy mountain escapade alongside a trusted sidekick, and the ingenious use of a gong to evade gunfire.

3. Indy’s Hat Was More Important Than You Would Imagine

Undoubtedly, one of the greatest movie characters of all time is recognized not only for his daring adventures and whip-cracking skills but also for the iconic hat: Indiana Jones. This hat, a simple fedora, has become one of the most recognizable symbols in cinematic history. But have you ever wondered why this seemingly ordinary accessory holds such significance?

Spielberg emphasized that he made a crucial decision early in the production regarding Indy’s hat choice. It may seem like just a hat, but it played a vital role in maintaining the continuity of the character’s appearance. In “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” Indy’s hat never falls off. No matter how insane the stunts and chaotic situations. The designer intentionally created a seamless transition between the actor and his stunt double.

The brim of Indiana’s hat had been cleverly crafted to conceal the character’s eyes, facilitating the introduction of a stunt double for the more hazardous sequences. Harrison Ford performed the majority of his own stunts, but certain scenes were too risky for the actor to attempt. In one particular scene, Terry Leonard, a skilled stuntman, executed the daring feat of dragging Indy under a jeep.

The clever design of the fedora ensured Ford’s protection from potential injuries without affecting his performance.

4. How Did Indy Know Not To Look Inside The Ark?

The thrilling conclusion of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” leaves audiences on the edge of their seats as the Nazis finally locate the long-lost Ark of the Covenant. With Indy and Marion captured, the tension reaches its climax as Belloq prepares to unveil the ancient artifact.

In a moment of quick thinking, Indy orders Marion to shut her eyes, a decision that ultimately saves their lives. When the cover is raised, it unleashes a surge of supernatural energy, obliterating everyone in its path except for our two heroes. It’s a heart-pounding scene that showcases the power of the Ark and leaves viewers in awe. While many consider this moment as one of the most iconic endings in cinematic history, it does raise a question. How did Indy know that closing his eyes would protect him from the same fate as the Nazis?

The answer lies in a deleted scene. In the original cut, Indy and Sallah encounter a wise monk who possesses the ability to decipher the inscription on the medallion, a crucial artifact in their quest. The monk reveals a chilling warning, cautioning Indy against touching the Ark or witnessing its contents. This revelation explains why no one dared to lay a finger on the mysterious artifact until that fateful moment.

Regrettably, the filmmakers ultimately decided to remove this crucial scene from the final version of the film, leaving audiences to ponder the consequences of opening the Ark. Perhaps the decision to keep it a mystery was intentional, adding an extra layer of intrigue. In either case, the power of imagination empowers us to fill in the gaps and speculate about what might have transpired when they finally unveiled the Ark.

5. Steven Spielberg Forgot One Important Prop

Imagine the chaos on set when Spielberg realised that he had forgotten to bring the most crucial prop for shooting a submarine scene. The usually meticulous director went big, forgetting the 300-foot-long submarine for the shoot.

As luck would have it, a film crew happened to be shooting “Das Boot” nearby, a movie set entirely on a submarine. It was like the stars aligned for Spielberg. With a glimmer of hope, he approached the crew and politely asked if he could borrow their sub. With great relief, the crew agreed… but this was not the end of Spielberg’s problems.

While he managed to get the shots he needed for “Raiders,” the borrowed sub broke in half and sank to the depths of the sea. Fortunately, the “Das Boot” crew managed to scavenge enough vessel parts to complete their own film.  

One moral has come from this tale of irony and misfortune: think twice before you lend anything to Steven Spielberg!

6. The Sword Fight

One of the craziest moments in “Raiders of the Lost Ark” occurs when Indy comes face to face with a skilled swordsman in a bustling market. As the swordsman expertly displays his blade-wielding prowess, Indy casually draws his gun from his holster and swiftly eliminates his opponent with a single shot. The unexpected twist of events leaves audiences in stitches, as the clash between traditional weaponry and modern firepower takes an amusing turn.

In the original script, Indy was supposed to engage in a thrilling whip battle with the swordsman. However, fate had other plans in store. Harrison Ford, who portrayed Indy, was struck by a severe case of dysentery during filming. The unfortunate condition forced him to make frequent trips to the bathroom, causing delays and concern for director Steven Spielberg.

With the scorching heat of Tunisia adding to their troubles, Spielberg faced a dilemma. Determined not to extend their stay, Ford proposed a brilliant solution – why not just shoot the swordsman instead? Spielberg saw the comedic potential in this unexpected change and agreed, allowing them to wrap up the scene ahead of schedule.

Terry Richards, the talented actor who portrayed the swordsman, was frustrated by the decision. He had dedicated weeks to meticulously choreographing the fight scene, only to have his efforts come to nothing. Had the original scene gone according to plan, would this moment have been as memorable? Probably not.

7. Raiders Was Heavily Based On A Forgotten Charlton Heston Film

It’s common knowledge that “Raiders of the Lost Ark” drew heavily from the adventure serials from the 1930s-1940s. However, the true inspiration for the film was the 1954 masterpiece, “Secret of the Incas”. The renowned Charlton Heston portrays the intrepid archaeologist, Harry Steele, on a quest to uncover a hidden treasure nestled within the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu.

The impact of “Secret of the Incas” on “Raiders” can be seen in the meticulous attention to detail in the costume design. Deborah Nadoolman Landis, the brilliant mind behind the wardrobe, revealed that the entire crew immersed themselves in the world of “Secret of the Incas”. To prepare, they watched the film repeatedly to capture its distinctive style and essence. This is precisely why Indiana Jones dons the same iconic fedora, jacket, and rugged stubble as the valiant Harry Steele. Moreover, both characters share the peculiar habit of tilting their hats over their faces when they sleep.

As if that weren’t enough, the scene where Indy wields the staff of Ra to unveil the Ark’s whereabouts bears a striking resemblance to a moment in “Secret of the Incas”, where Harry Steele employs a reflector on a map to pinpoint the treasure’s location. Landis was astounded by the undeniable similarities. She expressed her bewilderment that neither Steven Spielberg nor George Lucas acknowledged the profound influence of “Secret of the Incas” when discussing the origins of their story.

8. How Do You Get A Monkey To Salute?

When George Lucas and Steven Spielberg sat down to discuss their latest film project, little did they know that they would be embarking on a bizarre journey involving a mischievous monkey. Lucas, with his eccentric ideas, insisted on having a “spy monkey” as a central character, while also envisioning it as a villain. Spielberg, known for his creativity, didn’t dismiss the idea outright but instead posed a peculiar question – “Can it wear a turban? It should be dressed up.”

Fortunately, the directors decided against the monkey wearing a turban, opting for something even more outlandish. In a surprising twist, the cunning simian reveals collaboration with the enemy. To everyone’s astonishment, it performed the Nazi salute. This unexpected turn of events left Spielberg pondering an unusual predicament – how on earth do you train a monkey to perform the “Heil Hitler” salute?

Spielberg enlisted the help of an experienced animal wrangler. Together, they embarked on a mission to coax the cheeky monkey into raising its hand for the scene. After numerous failed attempts, the wrangler stumbled upon a peculiar yet effective method. Using a fishing pole with a grape dangling from it, they managed to capture the monkey’s attention and successfully execute the desired salute. It was a bizarre solution to an even stranger problem, but it worked.

George Lucas has a fascination with peculiar scenes. From villainous spy monkeys to an infamous fridge hiding scene, he certainly pushes the boundaries of imagination. And this is what makes these filmmakers unique – their ability to surprise and entertain us with their unconventional choices.

9. The Airplane Propeller Scene Was A Nightmare To Shoot

The film’s most iconic battle sequence is not the one with the swordsman, as he barely puts up a fight. Instead, it is the intense showdown where Indy finds himself at the mercy of a colossal brute near a menacing plane propeller. Despite the careful precautions taken to ensure the safety of the actors, fate had other plans. As the scene unfolded, tragedy struck when the plane accidentally rolled over Harrison Ford’s knee, tearing his ligaments.

However, amidst the chaos and mishaps, there is a lesser-known incident that adds a touch of humor to the tale. In a particular shot, Marion fearlessly enters the plane and takes control of its turret, unleashing a barrage of bullets upon the unsuspecting Nazis. Director Steven Spielberg wanted to avoid excessive gore and consulted his trusted stunt coordinator, Kit West. Together, they crafted a clever solution – instead of depicting gallons of blood, they chose to generate a mild red mist around the Nazis upon impact, creating the illusion of bloodshed without becoming overly graphic.

To achieve the desired effect of the red mist, Kit West turned to an unexpected ingredient – cayenne pepper. Little did the actors know that this seemingly harmless spice could cause excruciating agony if it came into contact with their eyes. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened during the filming of this scene. The actors endured the discomfort and pain, all for the sake of creating a memorable moment on screen. Despite their sacrifices, this particular shot often goes unnoticed by most viewers, leaving the actors to wonder if their suffering was in vain.

10. Indiana Jones Was Originally Much Creepier

In the opening scenes of the film, Indy’s charm is undeniable as he captivates his students with his knowledge and charisma. Among the enamored students, one girl takes her admiration to a whole new level by discreetly expressing her affection for her teacher. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she cleverly writes “LOVE YOU” on her eyelids, a sweet yet slightly eerie gesture. However, it’s important to note that Indy never crosses any boundaries with his students, as he understands the importance of maintaining professionalism in his role.

The original script, however, had some rather unsettling plans for Indy’s character. He intended to include scenes that would reveal his involvement with his students, particularly a girl named Susan. The idea of Indy engaging in inappropriate relationships with his students is quite disturbing. Fortunately, the final version of the film omitted these scenes, as they would have significantly damaged the character’s integrity and the overall story.

There was another disturbing aspect to Indy’s romantic history that was removed. When he reunites with Marion, it is revealed that they had a past affair when she was just 17 years old. Steven Spielberg, the director, initially wanted Marion to be even younger, suggesting that she was no older than 16 when she slept with Indy. Fortunately, Lucas intervened and convinced Spielberg that this idea was inappropriate.

11. Star Wars Connections

It’s no surprise that George Lucas couldn’t resist slipping in a little Easter egg in “Raiders of the Lost Ark”. When Indiana Jones ventures into the Well of Souls, sharp-eyed fans couldn’t help but notice the striking resemblance between the glyphs on the golden pillar and the beloved Star Wars characters, R2-D2 and C-3P0. A subtle secret message lurks in plain sight within this statement, a playful acknowledgment from Lucas to his own creation.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. In the opening scene of ‘Raiders,’ pay attention to the details as Jock’s plane ascends. Take a closer look at the letters on its side – OB-CP0. It’s a clever reference to Obi-Wan Kenobi and C-3P0, two iconic figures from the Star Wars universe. Die-hard fans find even more joy in the viewing experience when they discover the intricate details that connect two legendary franchises. It’s the small nuances that enhance the overall enjoyment for them.

Just when you think cross-references can’t get any cooler, Star Wars reciprocates by nodding to ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ in its animated series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. In the episode ‘Liberty on Ryloth,’ eagle-eyed viewers can spot Twi’leks carrying the Ark, the very artifact Indiana Jones risked his life for. It’s a delightful moment where two beloved worlds collide, reminding us of the enduring impact these stories have had on popular culture. So, keep your eyes peeled for hidden gems next time you watch a George Lucas creation—you never know what surprises await you.

12. A Lot Of Effort Was Put Into Indy’s Whip

In order to give Indy a unique edge, Spielberg had a brilliant idea for his weapon of choice. During their initial discussion about the film’s storyline, Spielberg shared his vision with Lucas – he wanted the archaeologist to wield a bullwhip. Now, you might think that a bullwhip is an odd choice for combat, but Spielberg believed it would add a certain cool factor to the movie’s poster.

Crafting the whip turned out to be quite a labor-intensive process. David Morgan, the mastermind behind its creation, carefully forged it using kip hide.

The selection of this material stems from its impressive blend of resilience and flexibility. However, in reality, that applies to all the other Indiana Jones films, not this one. Harrison Ford dedicated himself to mastering the art of wielding the whip. He practiced with it so frequently that it often ended up tearing. This meant that Morgan had to produce a surplus of spare whips to keep up with Ford’s rigorous training. In total, throughout the production, Morgan expertly crafted a staggering 30 whips. The specific scene or stunt required various versions of the whip.

While Indy typically brandished an 8ft-long whip, there were certain scenes that called for a shorter 6ft-long version. During those thrilling moments when Indy swung from one perilous situation to another, he required an impressive 18-foot-long whip. The very whip that Ford predominantly used in the first film eventually sold at an auction for an astounding $43,000.

13. Why Did It Have To Be Snakes? Or… Lizards?

In the exploration of the Well of the Souls, Indy and Marion encountered an overwhelming sight – a multitude of snakes. However, upon closer inspection, it became clear that not all of these slithering creatures were actually snakes. Spielberg decided to add an extra touch of realism by incorporating water hoses into the mix.

Now, you might be wondering how water hoses could possibly pass off as snakes. Well, that’s where the clever choice of another animal came into play. Spielberg sought out legless lizards, creatures that closely resemble snakes but are completely harmless. Observe closely, and you’ll spot the nuanced distinctions between snakes and non-venomous lizards. Look for characteristics like eyelids, a non-forked tongue, and external ear holes.

Amidst the assortment of fake serpents, a couple of real snakes were also in attendance. Unfortunately, one of the crew members experienced a snake bite. To improve actor safety, a protective glass sheet was installed in front of Indy, particularly for the gripping scene involving a venomous cobra. Initially, the glass reflection was noticeable. However, in the 2003 re-release, filmmakers digitally eliminated it to preserve the illusion of a hazardous encounter.

Did you know any of these facts about “Raiders”? Which is your favourite Indiana Jones Film? Stay tuned for more entertainment trivia.

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