Hollywood Bugle

10 Changes Made to Madame Web: From Comic to Movie

The new “Madame Web” film has been released to mixed reviews. It has adapted or ignored many of the character’s core features, including these ten.

Madame Web, a character from the Spiderman franchise, has arrived on the big screen, though the story makes some major changes to her comic book appearance. The film has received a lot of criticism and poor reviews, in part due to the drastic divergences. Here are 10 ways that Madam Web was changed during her movie adaptation.

1) Ezekiel Sims

Ezekiel is a wealthy corporate executive who obtains powers similar to Peter Parker. In the film, he is portrayed as much younger and dons a skin-tight suit reminiscent of Spider-Man. Originally in the comics, Ezekiel was portrayed as an older man who wore a classic black and white business suit with no shoes.

2) Ezekiel’s Origin Story

The film adaptation’s version of his origin story follows a similar path to Peter Parker’s (aka a strange Amazonian spider bite, leading to super strength and the ability to crawl on walls). This, however, is not how Ezekiel originally obtained his powers. In the comics, he travels to the Amazon and seeks out a supposedly supernatural “spider totem”. After performing a ritual, he is left to be preyed upon by a giant spider. It is here that he is bitten.

3) Jessica Drew Is Ignored

Jessica Drew is the first canonical Spider-Woman, though the “Madame Web” doesn’t even mention her. Instead, it skips to mention three other characters who have gone by Spider-Woman in the comics. Drew is one of the most notable Spider-Women characters, so it may seem strange that she is not referenced. Given the other changes made for the film, especially the next entry in this list, it was a tactical choice.

4) Madame Web’s Age

Originally, Madame Web is depicted as an elderly woman. Her game plays a vital role in stories as she is severely ill and is almost entirely immobile. She lived a full life before meeting Spider-Man, with her husband passing away at some point. The decision to make her younger is a marketing choice, potentially allowing for sequels (although given the overall reception of the first movie, this is less likely).

5) Peter Parker’s Origin Story

Spider-Man’s original backstory is well known by now: bitten by a radioactive spider at a science exhibit. Over the years, this has been retconned to take place in some sort of lab, sometimes Oscorp, but the basic principle stays the same. In “Madame Web” there is a tribe in the Amazon called “The Spider Tribe” who keep spiders endowed with abilities such as magical healing. This tribe wears spider-themed clothes and seems to worship the arachnids. One of these spiders likely bit Peter Parker.

6) Madame Web Isn’t Blind

Madame Web is technically blind but uses her supernatural powers to see more than the average person. If the movie earns a sequel, perhaps it will cover this aspect of the character. For now, though, the first film does not refer to her psychic power being used to see through time or in her day-to-day life.

7) Other Spider-Women Origins

“Madame Web” spends a lot of time trying to protect these three women (Julia Carpenter, Anya Sofi Corazon, and Mattie Franklin) targeted by a wall-crawling supervillain. Having these three future Spider-Women meet and be exposed to the superhero world before they get their powers completely changes their original character arcs.

8) Madame Web Isn’t Stuck in Her Lair

Madame Web’s first appearance in the comics shows her sitting on a massive chair-like device inside a huge web of cables and technology. Spider-Man quickly learns that it is a life support system, keeping her alive. Many stories involve villains pulling her out of her web, adding a sense of urgency. The film completely abandons this premise, allowing her to move freely.

9) Madame Web’s Power Origins

The “Madame Web” film links her power to a new Peruvian spider (Sony has made this same change to many other Spider-Man characters). However, Web is actually born clairvoyant and with a terrible disease that causes blindness and paralysis. Her husband also helped to build the web-like life-support system before his death. However, the movie erases both him and Web’s innate abilities.

10) Madame Web and Peter Parker

Traditionally, Peter hears about Madame Web from a friend who has visited her. Over time, they slowly form a bond. When he meets Web, she knows about his true identity due to her innate powers. In the film, however, she knows Uncle Ben and has heard of Aunt May. She then attends a baby shower for Mary Parker, showing that Peter Parker is about to be born. This is likely an attempt to build up a shared universe for future projects.

Have you watched the new Madame Web film? Do you prefer her comic or film version? Will there be a sequel to the movie? Join us for more comic and film trivia.

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